£3000 Bequest to
Regional Association

In early 2009 the Regional Association of
the Theosophical Society in Wales
(Formed 1993) received a tremendous financial boost with the receipt of a
pecuniary bequest of £3000 from a Theosophical Society member.
Great things are now anticipated at the
Lodges affiliated to the Regional Association of Swansea,
Bangor & Conwy.
Regional Association Organising Secretary,
Julie Cunningham has not revealed the name of the benefactor but it is
understood that the pecuniary bequest came from a member who died in 2008 and
that the money was exclusively left to the Regional Association of the
Theosophical Society in Wales (Formed 1993)

Keep up to date with the WRA News
To keep you up to speed on the latest developments
here are the contact details for the Regional Association
of the Theosophical Society in Wales (Formed 1993)
Theosophy in Bangor
Theosophy in Conwy
Theosophy in Swansea
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The main criteria
for the inclusion of
links on this
site is that they have some
(however tenuous) to Theosophy
and are
lightweight, amusing or entertaining.
Topics include
Quantum Theory and Socks,
Dick Dastardly
and Legendary Blues Singers.
New Rock ‘n Roll
entertaining introduction to Theosophy
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like Theosophy can!
The Key to Theosophy
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Started in Theosophy
everyone everywhere, not just in Wales
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Wales Burn-Up
Theosophy Wales
Wales Hornet
Starts Here
The Akashic Records
It’s all “water
under the bridge” but everything you do
makes an imprint
on the Space-Time Continuum.
Theosophy and Reincarnation
A selection of
articles on Reincarnation
by Theosophical
Provided in
response to the large number
of enquiries we
receive on this subject
Theosophical Glossary
prepared by W Q Judge
South of Heaven Guide to
and Devachan
The South of Heaven Guide to
Theosophy and Dreams
The South of Heaven Guide to
Theosophy and Angels
Aardvarks were harmed in the
of this Website
Theosophy Avalon
The Theosophy Wales
King Arthur Pages
The Tooting Broadway
Underground Theosophy Website
The Spiritual Home of Urban Theosophy
The Mornington Crescent
Underground Theosophy Website
The Earth Base for Evolutionary Theosophy
Theosophy Cardiff
Glastonbury Pages
Chalice Well, Glastonbury.
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
Chalice Well, Glastonbury,
Somerset, England
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
Glastonbury Abbey
Theosophy Cardiff’s
Glastonbury Abbey Chronology
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
Glastonbury Tor
The Labyrinth
The Terraced Maze of Glastonbury Tor
Glastonbury and
Joseph of Arimathea
The Grave of King Arthur & Guinevere
At Glastonbury Abbey
Views of Glastonbury High Street
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
Glastonbury Bookshops
Tekels Park
Camberley, Surrey,
England GU15 - 2LF
Tekels Park to be Sold to a Developer
Concerns are
raised about the fate of the wildlife as
The Spiritual
Retreat, Tekels Park in Camberley,
Surrey, England
is to be sold to a developer
Tekels Park is a
50 acre woodland park, purchased
for the Adyar Theosophical Society in England
in 1929.
In addition to
concern about the park, many are
worried about the future of the Tekels Park
as they are not a
protected species.
Many feel that the sale of a
for wildlife to a developer can only mean
disaster for the
park’s animals
Future of Tekels Park Badgers in Doubt
H P Blavatsky’s
Heavy Duty
Complete Theosophical Glossary in Plain Text Format
Instant Guide to Theosophy
Quick Explanations with Links to More Detailed Info
What is Theosophy ? Theosophy Defined (More Detail)
Three Fundamental Propositions Key Concepts of Theosophy
Root Races
Ascended Masters After Death States
The Seven Principles of Man Karma Reincarnation
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky Colonel Henry Steel Olcott
Quan Judge
The Start of the Theosophical Society
History of the Theosophical Society
Theosophical Society Presidents
History of the Theosophical Society in Wales
The Three Objectives of the Theosophical Society
Explanation of the Theosophical Society Emblem
The Theosophical Order of Service (TOS)
Ocean of Theosophy
William Quan Judge
Glossaries of Theosophical Terms
Quotes from
the Writings of
Petrovna Blavatsky
That which is to be
shunned is pain not yet come. The past cannot be changed or amended; that which
belongs to the experience of the present cannot and should not be shunned; but alike to be shunned are
disturbing anticipations or fears of the
future, and every act or impulse that may cause present or future pain to
ourselves or others.
Occultism, Page 87
Perfection, to be fully
such, must be born out of imperfection, the incorruptible must grow out of the
corruptible, having the latter as its vehicle and basis and contrast
The Secret
Doctrine , Volume 2, Page 100
Blavatsky Quotation
It is only by the
attractive force of the contrasts that the two opposites — Spirit and Matter — can be cemented together on
Earth, and, smelted in the fire of self-conscious experience and suffering, find
themselves wedded in Eternity.
The Secret
Doctrine , Volume 2, Page 108
Blavatsky Quotation
Strength to step
forward is the primary need of him who has chosen his path. Where is this to be
found? Looking round, it is not hard to see where other men find their
strength. Its source is profound conviction.
Occultism, Page 67
Blavatsky Quotation
It is the motive, and
the motive alone, which makes any exercise of power become black, malignant, or white, beneficent Magic. It is
impossible to employ spiritual forces if there is the slightest tinge of
selfishness remaining in the operator .... The powers and forces of animal
nature can equally be used by the selfish and revengeful, as by the unselfish
and the all-forgiving; the powers and forces of spirit lend themselves only to
the perfectly pure in heart — and this is Divine Magic.
Occultism, Page 7
Blavatsky Quotation
Finite reason agrees
with science, and says: “There is no God”. But, on the other hand, our Ego,
that which lives and thinks and feels independently of us in our mortal casket,
does more than believe. It knows that there exists a God in nature, for the
sole and invincible Artificer of all lives in us as we live in Him. No dogmatic
faith or exact science is able to uproot that intuitional feeling inherent in
man, when he has once fully realised it in himself.
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 1, Page 36
It may be a
pleasant dream to attempt to conceive of the beauties of the spirit world; but
the time can be spent more profitably in a study of the spirit itself, and it
is not necessary that the subject for study should be in the spirit world.
Modern Panarion
Page 70
Blavatsky Quotation
Physical existence is
subservient to the spiritual, and all physical improvement and progress are
only the auxiliaries of spiritual progress, without which there could be no
physical progress.
Modern Panarion
Page 78
Blavatsky Quotation
Mankind — the
majority at any rate — hates to think for itself. It resents as an insult the humblest
invitation to step for a moment outside the old well-beaten tracks and, judging
for itself, to enter into a new path in some fresh direction.
The Secret
Doctrine , Volume 3, Page 14
Blavatsky Quotation
Even ignorance
is better than Head-learning with no Soul-wisdom to illuminate and guide it.
Voice of the Silence, Page 43
Blavatsky Quotation
Many theosophists have had slight conscious relations with elementals,
but always without their will acting, and upon trying to make elementals see,
hear or act for them, a total indifference on the part of the nature spirit is
all they have got in return. These failures are due to the fact that the
elemental cannot understand the thought of the person; it can only be reached
when the exact scale of being to which it belongs is vibrated, whether it be
that of colour, form, sound, or whatever else
Annotation - The
Path, May, 1888
Blavatsky Quotation
Parabrahman is not “God” because It is not a God. “It is that which is
supreme, and not supreme”. ....It is supreme as cause, not supreme as effect.
The Secret
Doctrine , Proem [Volume 1], Page 35
Blavatsky Quotation
The ancients ..... fully realised the fact that the reciprocal relations
between the planetary bodies is as perfect as those between the corpuscles of
the blood, which float in a common fluid; and that each one is affected by the
combined influence of all the rest, as each in its turn affects each of the
Isis, Volume 1,
Page 275
Blavatsky Quotation
Strength to step forward is the primary need of him who has chosen his
path. Where is this to be found? Looking round, it is not hard to see where
other men find their strength. Its source is profound conviction.
Occultism, Page 67
Blavatsky Quotation
There are two kinds of magnetic attraction: sympathy and fascination; the
one holy and natural, the other evil and unnatural.
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 1, Page 210
Blavatsky Quotation
In the phenomenal and Cosmic World Fohat is that occult, electric, vital
power, which, under the Will of the Creative Logos, unites and brings together
all forms, giving them the first impulse, which in time becomes law.
The Secret
Doctrine , Volume 1, Page 134
Blavatsky Quotation
Oaths will never be binding till each man will fully understand that
humanity is the highest manifestation on earth of the Unseen Supreme Deity, and
each man anincarnation of
his God; and when the sense of personal responsibility will be so developed in him
that he will consider forswearing the greatest possible insult to himself, as
well as to humanity. No oath is now binding, unless taken by one who, without
any oath at all, would solemnly keep his simple promise of honour.
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 2, Page 374
Blavatsky Quotation
It is the motive, and the motive alone, which makes any exercise of power
become black,
malignant, or white, beneficent Magic. It is impossible to employ spiritual
forces if there is the slightest tinge of selfishness remaining in the operator
.... The powers and forces of animal nature can equally be used by the selfish
and revengeful, as by the unselfish and the all-forgiving; the powers and
forces of spirit lend themselves only to the perfectly pure in heart — and this
is Divine Magic.
Occultism, Page 7
Blavatsky Quotation
Woe to those who live without suffering. Stagnation and death is the
future of all that vegetates without change. And how can there be any change
for the better without proportionate suffering during the preceding stage?
The Secret
Doctrine , Volume 2, Page 498
Blavatsky Quotation
The person who is endowed with this faculty of thinking about even the
most trifling things from the higher plane of thought has, by virtue of that
gift which he possesses, a plastic power of formation, so to say, in his very
imagination. Whatever such a person may think about, his thought will be so far
more intense than the thought of an ordinary person, that by this very
intensity it obtains the power of creation.
December, 1888
Blavatsky Quotation
Finite reason agrees with science, and says: “There is no God”. But, on
the other hand, our Ego, that which lives and thinks and feels independently of
us in our mortal casket, does more than believe. It knows that there exists a
God in nature, for the sole and invincible Artificer of all lives in us as we
live in Him. No dogmatic faith or exact science is able to uproot that
intuitional feeling inherent in man, when he has once fully realised it in
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 1, Page 36
Blavatsky Quotation
Our voice is raised for spiritual freedom, and our plea made for
enfranchisement from all tyranny,
whether of Science of Theology.
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 1, I2.
Blavatsky Quotation
If through the Hall of Wisdom thou wouldst reach the Vale of Bliss,
Disciple, close fast thy senses against the great dire heresy of Separateness
that weans thee from the rest.
Voice of the
Silence, Page 23
Blavatsky Quotation
From strength to strength, from the beauty and perfection of one plane to
the greater beauty
and perfection of another, with accessions of new glory, of fresh knowledge and
power in each cycle, such is the destiny of every Ego, which thus becomes its own
saviour in each world and incarnation.
The Key to
Theosophy, Page 105
Blavatsky Quotation
The assertion that “Theosophy is not a Religion” , by no means excludes
the fact that “Theosophy is Religion” itself. A religion in the true and only
correct sense is a bond uniting men together — not a particular set of dogmas
and beliefs. Now Religion, per se, in its widest meaning is that which binds
not only all Men but also all Beings and all things in the entire Universe into
one grand whole.
November, 1888
The Present is only a mathematical line which divides that part of
Eternal Duration which we call the Future from that part which we call the Past
The Secret
Doctrine , Volume 1, Page 69
The mind receives indelible impressions even from chance acquaintance or
persons encountered but
once. As a few seconds' exposure of the sensitized photographic plate is all
that is requisite to preserve indefinitely the image of the sitter, so is it
with the mind.
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 1, Page 311
Blavatsky Quotation
“Beneficent Magic” , so called, is divine
magic, devoid of selfishness, love of power, of ambition or lucre, and bent only
on doing good, to the world in general and one's neighbour in particular. The
smallest attempt to use one's abnormal powers for the gratification of self
makes of these powers sorcery or black magic.
The Key to Theosophy, Page 228
Blavatsky Quotation
Believing in a spiritual and invisible Universe, we cannot conceive of it
in any other way than as completely dovetailing and corresponding with the
material, objective Universe; for logic and observation alike teach us that the
latter is the outcome and visible manifestation of the former, and that the
laws governing both are immutable.
Modern Panarion
Page 137
Introductory Theosophy Text
Text Book of Theosophy By C W
What Theosophy Is From the Absolute to Man
The Formation of a Solar System The Evolution of Life
The Constitution of Man
After Death Reincarnation
The Purpose of Life The Planetary Chains
The Result of Theosophical Study
The Occult World
By Alfred Percy Sinnett
Preface to the American Edition Introduction
Occultism and its Adepts The Theosophical Society
First Occult Experiences Teachings of Occult Philosophy
Later Occult Phenomena Appendix
these if you are looking for a
Theosophy Group or Centre
UK Listing of Theosophical Groups
Worldwide Directory of
Theosophical Links
International Directory of
Theosophical Societies
The Theosophy Wales
to Starting a
Theosophy Group

Your Own Theosophy
Group Starts Here
A Guide to
starting your own
Theosophy Group
These are
suggestions and pointers for forming
your own
independent Theosophy Group and
not instructions on
how to form a branch of a
larger Theosophical
The subject of
affiliation to a larger body is
covered but as
affiliation may mean compromise
and nobody owns
Theosophy anyway, we leave
that decision
entirely up to you

Cardiff Bay
at Sunset

Pages About Wales
General pages
about Wales, Welsh History
and The History
of Theosophy in Wales
Wales is a
Principality within the United Kingdom
and has an eastern
border with England.
The land area is
just over 8,000 square miles.
Snowdon in North
Wales is the highest mountain at 3,650 feet.
The coastline is almost
750 miles long.
The population of Wales as at the 2001 census
is 2,946,200.
Find Us Now!
Theosophy Wales